In his follow-up to the smash blockbuster "The Sixth Sense," writer/director M. Night Shyamalan creates a riveting story shared by two men: David Dunne (Bruce Willis), the sole survivor of a devastating train wreck who finds himself miraculously unharmed, and Eijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson), a stranger who proposes a bizarre explanation.
It's rare that a movie leaves you pinned to your seat,
wanting to see it again-right now, this minute!"
Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
"Gripping. Breathtaking. The best comic book movie ever…And the most daring film of the year."
Marshall Fine, the Journal News.
"LShyamalan easily tops the sixth sense with another mesmerizing tale of the unexplained by far the year's most original and thought provoking thriller."
Andrew Johnston, US Weekly.